Informed Conscience

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13

22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination. 1

13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives. 2

Putting it into context

The same book of the Bible that prohibits some truly sinful acts (such as adultery 3, incest 4 and bestiality 5) also prohibits many acts which are no longer considered sinful (such as eating pork 6, wearing mixed fabrics 7 and having sex with a menstruating woman 8). How, then, are we to faithfully apply the teachings of this book of the Bible to our lives today? It is important to understand that Leviticus forms part of the Mosaic Law. As such, it reflects the idealized worldview held by the ancient Israelites. They believed that all of God’s creation should adhere to certain rules of uniformity and purity.


For example, they observed that most fish had fins and scales and concluded that an idealized fish should always have both fins and scales. Shrimp do not adhere to this rule so they were considered an aberration - unfit for human consumption according to God’s design. Similarly, it was deemed necessary for land-based animals to both possess cleft hooves and chew their cud. Pigs are exceptions to this rule, so they too were considered imperfect. In much the same way, penetrative male-male sex could have been viewed as an aberration because it disrupted the idealized perceptions of masculinity and femininity of that time. In a sexual sense, males were supposed to penetrate and females were supposed to be penetrated. Penetrative male-male sex does not adhere to this rule so it was considered an aberration. This may also explain why Leviticus makes no similar condemnations of female-female sex. Since there is no penetration, there was no violation of perceived gender roles.


Leviticus declares as taboo many things that were considered unclean or impure at the time. Some of these may have had their basis in hygiene or health concerns, for example menstruation. This view is supported by the many ritual cleansings prescribed by Leviticus. Similarly, there may have been objections to male-male sex because it was considered unhygienic.


Serious offenses are usually mentioned again several times in the Old Testament.
For example, adultery is condemned in Leviticus and also in Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Incest is condemned in Leviticus and also several times in Deuteronomy.
Bestiality is condemned in Leviticus and also in Exodus and Deuteronomy.
By contrast, the only condemnation of male-male sex per se in the entire Old Testament is these two verses from Leviticus.

Putting it into perspective

Leviticus refers to male-male sex as an “abomination”. The Hebrew word translated as “abomination” is “toevah”.
This same word is used several times in the Old Testament to describe other things that were considered “abominations” too, for example:
eating rabbits, pigs or shellfish 9, taking the silver or gold of idols 10 and the wearing of pants by a woman. 11

The penalty of death prescribed for the offense of male-male sex is also prescribed for the following offenses:
refusing to obey one’s parents 12, working on a Saturday 13 and cursing a parent 14.

Additional Resources

An excellent book containing an in-depth explanation of these issues for the layman is “What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality” by Daniel A. Helminiak, Ph.D. You can order the book online here.

1 The New American Bible Leviticus 18:22
2 The New American Bible Leviticus 20:13
3 The New American Bible Leviticus 18:20
4 The New American Bible Leviticus 18:6
5 The New American Bible Leviticus 18:23
6 The New American Bible Leviticus 11:2-7
7 The New American Bible Leviticus 19:19
8 The New American Bible Leviticus 18:19
9 The New American Bible Deuteronomy 14:3-21
10 The New American Bible Deuteronomy 7:25
11 The New American Bible Deuteronomy 22:5
12 The New American Bible Deuteronomy 21:18-21
13 The New American Bible Exodus 35:2
14 The New American Bible Exodus 21:17

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